Lounge chair NIDO from Karup Design
Sit . Unstrap . Nap This comfortable, highly versatile futon comes in three sizes to appeal to people of all ages and shapes. As the Nido chair, it offers a cosy nook where you can curl up for a phone conversation or settle down to read email on your tablet. Share the larger Nest chair with your toddler at story time or give them their own Mini Nido. Undo the four velcro straps at the back of your futon chair and it quickly becomes a half-moon futon, suitable for a nap, meditation, or just lounging. Put two open Nidos together to make an inviting circular bed that’s sure to impress overnight guests. Design by Anders Backe, Anne-Sofie Voss, Ida Sofie Lange, Lars Wigh and Troels Rask Pedersen for Karup Design. Material Cover: 80 % cotton + 20 % polyester Mattrass fill :12 cm recycled mixed fibre mattress with a core of 4 cm foam Care instructions: Our mixed fabric is made from 80 % cotton and 20 % polyester. Do only clean with a dry cloth to prevent stains. Max. weight 90 kg